
Monday, April 8, 2013


Our NEW therapy space is open!  

This child-centered office space parallels our evidence-based and evolving philosophy.

• Our cozy environment mimicks being at home, only we have taken many of the
distractions away. We are centrally-located on Geary between Stanyan and Arguello.

• We can help you figure out how to modify your childʼs environment at home or at your childʼs preschool too, so that your childʼs communication has a better chance of sticking. (We do this through our parent training program and through our home consultation offerings.  See below more information.)

• Our interactive approach invites families to participate and/or be close by during office visits so that you can observe what approaches are being used, actively discuss how your child is communicating at home and discover new ways to help your child be a better communicator during the week (essential to helping your young preschooler or toddler).

PARENTS, do you want to learn more about how to help build your child's communication?  Check out these exciting parent training programs!

Bridges to Communication is offering three fun and educational Hanen parent training programs led by our Hanen-certified speech-language pathologists:
1. “It Takes Two to Talk” for young children with language delays (16 months to 3.5 years)

2. “More Than Words” for children who have difficulties using early social
communication (2 to 4 years).

3. “Talkability” for children who are learning to engage in conversation, but benefit from support to better access the nuances of social communication, i.e., social understanding and perspective taking. (for children ages 4-7 years).

*CALL US TODAY to find out more information about any of these programs. We are now starting to recruit families for the spring of 2013.